Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Star Spangled Fucktards

Jesus H. Christ. The idiocy in America is comparable to nothing. So many idiots with so much power! It seems unfathomable to me that such a large portion of the citizens of "the greatest country in the world" could be so far behind in intelligence, knowledge, social relations... etc. Approximately ONE THIRD of the American population of adults believes that evolution is a false theory. COME ON! First of all, 99% of the scientific community SUPPORTS the theory of evolution. The intelligent scientists. The scientists who give us things like microwaves, beefy computers. cars, trucks, lights, TVs, internet, etc! But not only that. If the opinion of 99% of the entire Goddamned intelligent community isn't enough for you conservative idiots, well, think about this. If ONE fossil was found that didn't fit in the puzzle of evolution. ONE fossil, sui generis - evolution would be completely canceled out. Inexistent. It would be stupid; illogical; a fact-lacking, fraudulent idea. But that is not the case. The evolution puzzle fits together, and therefore, it would seem seriously unlikely that the almighty God himself created man.

 While we're at it, let's touch on some of the various other revolutionary developments put forth by the conservative community. HOMELESS! I mean, come on. We can't just.. GIVE AWAY federal tax dollars. Food stamps are idiotic! This is a great democratic county, not a communist state! Such are few of the many intellectual arguments asserted by the hard working white citizens of America. HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY BE THAT STUPID? COMMUNIST STATE MY ASS. No. According to Wikipedia (which, by the way teachers, has worked out to be a pretty reliable fucking source in the past) as of January 2012 633,782 people are homeless in the United States. HALF OF A MILLION PEOPLE. Goddamn. That's pathetic! And not only that. Conservative America REFUSES to help these people on account of they should work for their own money. Not get our tax dollars. MORE BULLSHIT. These people are stuck in a hole which, most of the time, was dug for them by Uncle Sam (AKA you idiots) and now you're not even gonna help them get out of it?

But wait, there's more! The title of "most powerful country in the world" needs protecting, right? In 2010, more than 680 BILLION tax dollars in the U.S went to military spending. Pathetic. 25% of this would cover social security for the next 75 years and still we'd remain the most powerful military country on Earth. Besides, what does the military do these days? Fight guerrilla warfare. The U.S has been involved in few recent wars that weren't guerrilla warfare. And why? Because no one intelligent or with access to resources contests the military of the most powerful country in the world. But when Osama and his posse didn't like getting help from Uncle Sam, they decided to blow up our buildings (which, by the way, they were able to do with training from OUR CIA).

So we give SO MUCH of our money to a military that's merely a figurehead. But they didn't stop there. Instead of giving soldiers a fair pay, they allocate much of the money to researching new weapons. Then, once they get done with the soldiers, they dump them out, pay them jackshit and give them medals and "honor." Fuck honor and fuck medals. They don't mean shit when you've got an empty stomach and a family to feed. THIRTEEN PERCENT of America's outrageously huge homeless population consists of veterans. PATHETIC. The country that these men and women fought for doesn't give a SHIT about them. Doesn't care for them, doesn't feed them, clothe them, shelter them etc. They just use them and when they're done, they dump them out onto the street and that's it.

But conservatives, although completely idiotic and wrong, are not alone in their idiocy and wrongness. You've also got the leftist idiots who won't let you do with your life as you see fit. They've done everything in their power to take away the common man's cigarette. I, for one, believe that I can smoke where ever and when ever I damn well please. But the frozen yogurt eating, protein shake drinking, gluten free nazis don't think so. Even E CIGARETTES are being contested because "we don't know about them." LIES. We know just as much as we need to. "They contain harmful chemicals" BULLSHIT. Perhaps certain brands of e cigs contain bad shit but in the end, all you have to do is not buy those brands! HOW IS THAT SO HARD? What kind of consumers can we be? I mean honestly! There will always be shitty, faulty, fraudulent products on the market. We don't need to OUTLAW and RESTRICT the entire genre of product completely. All we have to do is NOT BUY THE SHITTY VERSION.

Just like how when I go to the doctor, she tells me I'm overweight and I need to eat healthier. FUCK YOU. It's my life, bitch. Doctors get paid (by the way, most of that outrageous medical bill goes to the nazis that don't do shit, not the doctors) to nag and piss and moan at you about how you need to eat healthier, exercise, live a healthy lifestyle. You'll feel so good! I'll tell you what. To me, nothing feels better than sitting on my porch with a pitcher of ice tea, a glass, and a pack of cigarettes and relaxing. Nothing in the world.

I'll conclude this rant with a big old "fuck you" to anyone who leans in any direction on the political spectrum. The country was founded on the basis of unity; America has become a spoiled child in that now that it's got what it wanted, it'll never be happy. Unity doesn't work when you've got half the country being communists and the other half being anarchists. FUCK YOU